What Is Methadone Used For: How Is Methadone the Answer to Hydrocodone Addiction?

Question by takeospikes2004: How is methadone the answer to hydrocodone addiction?
Obviously, by asking this question the history is that I was trying to can a ~70mg a day addiction to hydrocodone, and my doctor offered up the “solution” of methadone. But from a lot of things I have read so far, the withdrawal from methadone is at best equal to that of hydrocodone and at worst the most potentially dangerous withdrawal among all pharmaceuticals. It’s commonly used and overrated in my opinion for treating opiate addiction because… In a lot of cases it boils down to this: patient wants to quit X drug but cannot afford to cope with the severe withdrawal effects that come with it, so doctor prescribes Methadone to eliminate patients desire for “X” and get the patient on something that has a less intense withdrawal based on the fact that it has a longer half life therefore the withdrawal has a longer duration, but during that duration it’s not nearly as bad as the instant flood that hits you with other opiate withdrawal. BUT if all indications seem to point out that this IS NOT the case and methadone is in fact MORE dangerous than a lot of these drugs, what makes it the drug of choice for treating withdrawals? It makes no sense at all… It seems to me that the patient is better off trying to eventually “taper off” the drug that got them into this entire situation

Best answer:

Answer by BRIDGE MAN
It’s not. The addiction will be to anything because of the personality. The only way out is a true rehab center.

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