Feds Fail to Use Effective Drug Treatment Plans in Prison

Drug Methadone: Feds fail to use effective drug treatment plans in prison
Despite 20 years of scientific evidence showing that drug treatment programs work, the feds fail to offer enough of them to prisoners, according to a new study. Currently 7.1 million adults–over 2 percent of the population–in the U.S. are locked up or on probation; about half of them suffer from some kind of addiction — heroin , alcohol , crack , crystal meth , you name it–but only 20 …
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Drug Methadone: New methadone centers to open in Athens
Twelve new methadone centers are due to open at hospitals around Attica on Friday with the aim of gradually reducing the backlog of 3,500 drug addicts who are waiting for assistance.
Drug Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Methadone: Drug dealer sentenced to 50 years
The man police connected with three overdose deaths was sentenced to 50 years in prison Thursday.
Drug Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

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