Methadone Clinics: Why Is She So Paranoied About Her Dumb Pain Clinic?

Question by jane: why is she so paranoied about her dumb pain clinic?
have had a roommate living with me for 8 months (her and her family) while they get back on there feet…and this whole time she’s been in the methadone program getting off pain pills . She had a bad addiction. Well now her man is going FOR her to get a sript because apparently she’s been cut off everywhere. I have been hanging out with a new friend who happens to get them as well since she has cancer and many medical problems. Well my roomate has been wanting to hang out with us but honestly I don’t want her bugging her for pills you know? So she has felt left out to begin with but that’s how it is. Last night she gave me a pill for my shoulder and i told my friend on the phone she gave me a 15 and my friend was like “wow those are strong. Where is her clinic?” So I asked my roomate where she went and she went physcho on me saying “im not telling her anything so she can make a plan to ruin my rep at the clinic. Im sick of ppl getting me cut off ” blah blah.And all night she was telling me now she knows why she can’t hang out with us since I must talk crap about her to my new friend and my new friend has this plan to get rid of her and cut her off her pain meds and blah blah. WTF??? *not to mention she rarley pays me for rent, im the only one with a job in the house and she was gonna charge me for the pill she gave me.

Best answer:

Answer by Douglas B
Part of addiction is paranoia. She’s worried about losing her life line to what she feels is keeping her sane in her insanity.

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