Are Methadone Clinics Helping to Boost the Downtown?
Methadone Alcohol Interaction in the News
Methadone Alcohol Interaction: Are methadone clinics helping to boost the downtown?
No one chooses addiction to pain killers, just as no one chooses addiction to alcohol or hard narcotics. And yet we have little if no outrage towards the companies producing these highly socially destructive pharmaceuticals, considered by some to be as …
Read more on Open File (blog)
Methadone Alcohol Interaction: American Pain Society Supports CDC's Attention to Prescription Drug Misuse
In some patients, however, the risks outweigh potential benefits and efforts must be redoubled to provide effective non-opioid therapies or the patient referred to receive opioid in an addiction treatment setting such as a methadone maintenance or …
Read more on Newswise (press release)
Methadone Alcohol Interaction: Board failed with addicted pharmacist: lawyer
Court was told that Burke, whose practice included working with methadone addicts in St. John's, had had addictions problems of her own, involving alcohol and later the powerful painkillers OxyContin and Percocet. But lawyer Catherine Perry, …
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