Facts on Methadone: Ministry Explains Reform Process at the Prisons

Facts On Methadone in the News

Facts On Methadone: Ministry explains reform process at the prisons
In this strategy CCF in collaboration with the Substance Misuse Out-Patient Unit (SMOPU) provides such inmates with methadone treatment as well as alternative forms of treatment as required." Whenever necessary, the social requirements of the inmates …
Read more on Times of Malta

Facts On Methadone: Cellphone-related fatal wrecks lead families to push for change
An intoxicated 20-year-old Murfreesboro woman on her cellphone died when she crashed her car into a brick house on North Tennessee Boulevard at 4 am Police said the woman tested positive for alcohol, opiates and methadone. Intoxication was listed along …
Read more on The Tennessean

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