Task Force to Address Prescription Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse Methadone: Task force to address prescription drug abuse
Posted March 20, 2012, at 5:21 p.m. It is no secret that Maine has an enormous problem with prescription drug abuse. In fact, Maine has the nation’s highest rate of residents seeking treatment for pain-pill addiction.
Drug Abuse Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse Methadone: Florida Hospitals Report Rise in Newborns Exposed to Opioids
Hospitals on the west coast of Florida are reporting a rise in the number of newborns exposed to opioids. Health care providers say prescription drug abuse is to blame.
Drug Abuse Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Abuse Methadone: Drug abuse, texting cap W.Va. session finale
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) – West Virginia lawmakers ended their 60-day legislative session on Saturday by passing agreements on fighting methamphetamine labs and targeting distracted drivers, but they failed to approve a much-debated bill that aimed to add…
Drug Abuse Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

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