Drug Methadone: Methadone Users Should Work for It'

Drug Methadone: Methadone users should work for it'
As a parent and grandparent it both saddens and worries me greatly to witness what seems to be an ever-growing number of Dundee people affected by the legal drug Methadone, dished out to them without charge. I refer to it as a drug because that is what it is.
Drug Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Methadone: Mum treated kids with methadone before, court told
A mother who killed her five-year-old son with a lethal dose of methadone had previously given the boy the drug when he was suffering from swine flu, a court has been told.
Drug Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Methadone: Debate heats up over proposed South Burlington methadone clinic
The simmering debate about a proposed methadone clinic near South Burlington’s middle school and high school ramped up this week.
Drug Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Methadone: Offering methadone treatment to drug users significantly reduces HIV infection, transmission risk, study shows
Offering methadone treatment to people who use injection drugs "substantially reduces the risk that they will get HIV or give it to anyone else," according to a BMJ study published this month that pools data from studies done in nine countries, the New York Times reports.
Drug Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

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