Methadone Positive Drug Test: Work Drug Screen Question?

Question by Cherish: Work Drug Screen Question?
I have a interveiw comming up for a job I really want. It says that a background check and a Drug Screen is required. I have to take Precsription pain meds for health reasons. Usually is Hydrocodone and when it is really bad Percocet. I was wondering if they look for this on pre-employment drug screens or not? If they do or it shows up if I have written permission-reasoning from my doctor can they or would they refuse employment to me? I would hope not but I wanted to ask. Thank you in advance.:)

Best answer:

Answer by RoRo
If they screen for opiates, then they would show up and it all will tell them is you have opiates in your system. If you have a legitimate reason for taking these and a doctor’s prescription, I cannot see any reason why they would not hire you, unless they don’t want someone who is taking pain medication working for them. Good luck.

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