An Alternative to Methadone – Herald Scotland

Drug Methadone: An alternative to methadone – Herald Scotland

An alternative to methadone
Herald Scotland
For decades the cornerstone of drug abuse treatment has been the provision of methadone on a long-term basis to addicts. That policy has been tenaciously adhered to even in the face of the year-on-year increase in the number of addicts dying, and in

Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: Revealed: Feeding addict prisoners heroin substitute methadone is costing … – Scottish Daily Record

Revealed: Feeding addict prisoners heroin substitute methadone is costing
Scottish Daily Record
The Scottish Government said: “Substitute prescribing such as methadone is one of a number of methods of drug treatment in a package of care, treatment and recovery that can be offered to individuals – including prisoners – to help them recover from 

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Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: Proposed move rejected, methadone clinic takes city to court – The Sun

Proposed move rejected, methadone clinic takes city to court
The Sun
The facility serves 800 out-patients who each require daily does of methadone or other physician-prescribed drugs to alleviate the drug cravings caused by their additions, the lawsuit states. About 86 percent of Habit's patients are city residents

Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: Taxi rides no longer covered for social assistance clients on methadone program – The Guardian Charlottetown

The Guardian Charlottetown

Taxi rides no longer covered for social assistance clients on methadone program
The Guardian Charlottetown
Clients of the methadone program are required to travel to the Addictions Treatment Centre in Mount Herbert for random testing in order to ensure they are staying away from street drugs and prescription pills. This is an important element of the

Drug Methadone – Google News

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