Methadone Drug Test False Positive: Can I Fail My Drug Test From Being Around Pot Second Hand?

Question by butterflyspy: Can I fail my drug test from being around pot second hand?
I recently was at a party and alot of people were smoking weed there. I have to take adrug test and was wondering could I fail if it because I was around it even though I didnt smoke it?

Best answer:

Answer by NNY
yes. but its not likely

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Methadone Drug Test False Positive: Daily Pill Cuts HIV Risk in IV Drug Users
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Methadone Drug Test False Positive: First-episode psychosis readmission risk predicted by DALI tool
Screening first-episode psychotic patients with a 6-minute assessment tool provides a more reliable indication of a patient's risk of readmission than urinalysis, according to a new study in Schizophrenia Research. … Although a positive urinalysis …
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