Woman Gets Chance to Defeat Addiction – Southwest Times

Woman gets chance to defeat addiction – Southwest Times

Woman gets chance to defeat addiction
Southwest Times
A Pulaski County judge Thursday all but challenged a woman to complete drug treatment and overcome her addiction to pain medications. Brown was in court on a probation revocation stemming from a 2012 conviction of possession of Methadone.

Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

New York Times Panics Over Un-Risky Drug Buprenorphine – Reason (blog)

New York Times Panics Over Un-Risky Drug Buprenorphine
Reason (blog)
This very, very, very long story was about buprenorphine, a drug used to treat opioid addiction, and unlike methadone actually available by prescription in the form of "suboxone," where it is mixed with naloxone, an opiate-cancelling drug. (You know

Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

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