Heroin in Torrington: Overdose Death Numbers Prompt Response From City, State … – Torrington Register Citizen

Heroin in Torrington: Overdose death numbers prompt response from city, state … – Torrington Register Citizen

Heroin in Torrington: Overdose death numbers prompt response from city, state
Torrington Register Citizen
Without directly speaking in support of or against the controversial methadone clinic scheduled to open in the spring, Carbone said that she supports the fact that there will be a center for recovery and rehabilitation for individuals dealing with drug

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

Mother says son is stuck in the system – Port aux Basques Gulf News

Mother says son is stuck in the system
Port aux Basques Gulf News
The province said it's responding by building two new addiction centres for youth, an adult addictions centre in Harbour Grace, and by planning to replace the antiquated Waterford Hospital. “We have seen an exponential growth in the number of referrals 

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

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