Our Insane Health-Care System: Free Health Care in Prison, Nothing Afterward – Washington Post (Blog)

Our insane health-care system: free health care in prison, nothing afterward – Washington Post (blog)

Washington Post (blog)

Our insane health-care system: free health care in prison, nothing afterward
Washington Post (blog)
One of the first people I met at Yale was Dr. Frederick Altice, who provided care to HIV-infected prisoners and drug users at the community health-care van, a needle-exchange-based health service targeting street drug users. …. disorder such as

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

La Salle County crime at 10-year low mark – LaSalle News Tribune

La Salle County crime at 10-year low mark
LaSalle News Tribune
Diminishing drug abuse is the single biggest explanation, as drugs not only generate trafficking but also spawn ancillary crimes such as theft and forgery to support habits. Drug interdiction efforts by TRI-DENT and the La Salle County SAFE Team have 

Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

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