Heroin Wreaks Havoc With Lives of Phoenix Family – KTAR.com
Heroin wreaks havoc with lives of Phoenix family – KTAR.com
Heroin wreaks havoc with lives of Phoenix family
KTAR.com "The first place was going to detox," he said. "It didn't work for either one of them. She's still on the street. She doesn't want to get clean yet. My son did want to get clean and ended up going to a methadone clinic." Tuesday, part 2, Mike's son … |
A ‘blockade’ for opiates: Vivitrol offers hope for treatment – 77Square.com
A 'blockade' for opiates: Vivitrol offers hope for treatment
77Square.com It works by blocking the brain's receptors for those drugs: Rather than satisfying the appetite for opiates, as medications such as methadone and Suboxone do, it renders opiates ineffective. As prescription drug abuse and heroin addiction become more … |
Ocean County’s First Drug Detox Facility to Open in Toms River – Patch.com
Ocean County's First Drug Detox Facility to Open in Toms River
Patch.com Officials are hoping a new, privately-owned detox center, where patients usually stay for five to seven days before being placed in a long-term rehabilitation facility, will be a key piece of the puzzle to getting help for those who are addicted. "It's … |
methadone withdrawal chronicle day 28 — quitting the clinic after 3 yrs at 100mg/day. cold turkey.
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