Babies Born Addictedproblem Across Western Pa

Babies born addictedproblem across Western Pa
We have a very large clinic for women on methadone or who want to convert," said Dr. Barbara Cohlan, director of the neonatal follow-up clinic at Magee-Womens Hospital, where the number of addicted babies treated rose from 67 in 2005 to about 250 in …
Read more on The Courier-Express

'Complex homicidal assault' killed Mellory Manning
Injuries to Christchurch sex worker Mellory Manning show that she was killed in “an extremely sustained and determined assault” that included 10 different blunt force wounds to the head, pathologist Dr Martin Sage told the High Court at Christchurch …

Maine lawmakers give initial approval to wider use of overdose-halting drug
The legislation would put the medication into the hands of police, volunteer firefighters, drug users and their friends and families, freeing doctors to dispense the medication not only to a drug user at risk but also to anyone likely to witness their …
Read more on Bangor Daily News

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