Drugs to Help the Druggies – the Press

Drugs to help the druggies – The Press

Drugs to help the druggies
The Press
This is what methadone treatment is, while buprenorphine is another opioid used for this purpose. Attitudes are very Literally giving gin to an alcoholic would continue to expose them to risk of organ damage and intoxication-related aggression and

Alcoholism Methadone – Google News

Change text size for the story – Community Press

Community Press

Change text size for the story
Community Press
You are invited to attend a public meeting at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Trenton from 6-8 p.m. to support this proposal to provide Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) services in your community. A panel of content experts and health

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Alcoholism Methadone – Google News

‘Epidemic’ opiate crisis addressed at hearing – The Sun

'Epidemic' opiate crisis addressed at hearing
The Sun
Program Director Traci Kasparian of the Fitchburg Habit OPCO, which provides methadone treatments for heroin addicts throughout North Central Massachusetts, said there has been a large influx of patients from Pepperell, which she called "the mecca of

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Alcoholism Methadone – Google News

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