Abusing Methadone: Occupy San Diego With a Clear Message!
Abusing Methadone in the News
Abusing Methadone: Occupy San Diego with a clear message!
And then you have your medicinal drugs (Schedule 2) Cocaine, Heroin, methadone, and Opium. Those drugs are used to make Vicodin, Oxycontin, Codeine, and more of the most addictive drugs on the planet. With the highest addiction rate in America. …
Read more on San Diego Reader (blog)
Abusing Methadone: Oct. 11 Open Line
“I need to get some methadone. Every day, I wake up, and I'm f—-d up.” “On my third day, they had smoked salmon with cream cheese. You know how much smoked salmon is a pound? Sixteen dollars. I eat better here than I do with my parents. …
Read more on Jacksonville Journal Courier
Abusing Methadone: 'Luck' ran out for some patients of drug-dealing doctor
Ryan Thompson, 30, died on the doorstep of his younger sisters' Costa Mesa home one day after being prescribed methadone pills by Al Bussam. His sisters cared for him while he suffered through a withdrawal, throwing up so often his vomit was streaked …
Read more on StandardNet
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