Auricular Therapy for Treating Substance Abuse
by osakasteve
Auricular Therapy or acupuncture of the ear is a way to treat the entire body with acupuncture points located on the ear. This alternative medicine therapy mobilizes endorphins and enkaphlins opioid peptides, increases serotonin and dopamine neurotransmitters, and increases levels of substance P and cholecystokinin (CCK). Auricular acupuncture helps the body in balancing levels of stress and sex hormones. It helps reduce cortisol and glucose levels and allows the body to reduce its overall inflammation level. Auricular therapy modulates neurotransmitters and is very helpful in dealing with substance abuse recovery and mood disorders. Auricular therapy can be used in addition to acupuncture on the body and scalp.
Auricular therapy can include needles, electrical stimulation, laser therapy, or electro-acupuncture. Opiate withdrawal symptoms can be reduced within fifteen minutes of application of auricular therapy to certain auricular acupuncture points by applying electrical stimulation to the ear. It can be used to treat cocaine, crystal meth, methadone, morphine, alcohol, opiate, food, sex, and nicotine addiction.
National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) established five auricular points for treating addiction issues. NADA protocols are offered in over 500 clinics worldwide including 500 clinical sites in the US, Europe, Australia and the Caribbean currently utilize these protocols the US, Europe, Australia and the Caribbean. Yale University has conducted research on the effectiveness of the NADA protocol for cocaine, heroin and methadone addiction.
The five NADA auricular acupuncture points include:
· Lung 2 – addiction related lung issues
· Shen Men – stress, anxiety, excessive sensitivity
· Autonomic Point – balance symphathetic and parasymphathetic nervous systems, blood circulation
· Liver – hepatitis, cirrhosis
· Kidney – kidney disorders, urination issues
This treatment protocol creates higher levels of optimism and cooperation in patients, improved sleep, fewer cravings, less stress and anxiety, and reduced need for drugs. Patients who successfully completed conventional treatment with the combined with auricular therapy showed the fastest recovery with the highest abstinence rates.
The highest success rates were those patients who received auricular therapy five times per week over a sixty day period. Acupuncture improves patient compliance, mood, and physical symptoms. It is relatively low cost and produces very few side effects.
Combining Chinese Herbs with auricular therapy may produce faster or more significant results for many patients. This type of alternative medicine is excellent for patients desiring to minimize allopathic drugs.
© 2010 by Dr R Stone, MD – Alternative Medicine, India
NAET Training & Certification
Certified in Laser Acupunture Therapy
North American Association of Laser Therapy
Masters in Oriental Medicine from Texas College TCM, Austin, Texas MBA in Finance, University of St. Thomas, Houston Texas
BBA, University of Texas at Austin
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