Detoxification and Alcoholism

Alcohol and drug Detox, done under medical supervision, is a managed process which helps the addict through this vital phase of recovery. It is conducted on an inpatient or outpatient basis in accordance with the severity of the addiction, which can only be evaluated by a qualified physician.

Young people, who start drinking alcohol earlier, say at 13or14, compared to people who start drinking when they are already adults Alcohol is not bad, provided it is taken in moderate amounts, 1 to 2 drinks a day for men and less for women and people who are older. This type of alcohol drinking is possible if you do not have the proclivity toward addiction.

The Detox process can be dangerous and is best managed under medical supervision. Sudden stoppage of drugs or alcohol can trigger symptoms as dangerous as the addiction itself; improperly managed, these can be. Alcohol and drug Detox is therefore best left to professionals rather than to individuals or family members.

Effective detoxification programs offer a rounded course of treatment, from medications designed to ease the body’s cravings, to counselling to understand the root causes of the addiction, to behaviour modification and self-transformation. The recovering addict is supported and helped through the process of establishing and maintaining an emotional equilibrium adequate to living a life free of the substance which formerly controlled his or her life. This is accomplished by identifying those factors which enabled the abuse to begin with and dealing with the physical and emotional dependency.

Detox programs are associated with a variety of addictions, including alcohol, prescription painkillers, and a variety of opiates. Medically upervised detoxification is often required for such problems as codeine addiction, dragonet addiction, diluted addiction, heroin addiction, lama addiction, locket addiction, lortab addiction, methadone addiction, mscontin addiction, Norco addiction, oxycontin addiction, precocity addiction, percodan addiction, stadol addiction, vicodin addiction, xanax addiction and zydone addiction.

Mary John is an alcohol addiction treatment counselor and therapist at a leading cure alcoholism and addiction treatment center. She has expertise in Stop drinking, quit alcohol and cure alcohol addiction subjects. She has written a umber of articles and journals on how to stop drinking, alcoholic cure, alcohol abuse, alcoholism treatment, cures for alcoholism, natural cures for alcoholism etc.

Methadone Addictive: Drugs, Risk and the Myth of the 'Evil' Addict
However, Naloxone has a relatively short half-life and its effects can wear off well before the effects of the narcotics themselves; this is particularly true for long-acting formulations such as extended-release prescription painkillers or methadone.
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