Does Anyone Know What “Methadone” Is and What Is For?

Question by stormee777: Does anyone know what “Methadone” is and what is for?
A friend said she was going to get it but I heard it has herion in it…She was in a car accident and is taking pills.Now,she told me she wants to go to methadone…

Best answer:

Answer by crazeej
its usually used as an anti-addictive.. meaning it helps drug addicts to get over their addictions to heroin and such.
its also used in managing chronic pain… (long term pain)
Opioid medications allow us to treat chronic pain as aggressively as we would any pathogen, but we must first overcome ingrained misconceptions about patients’ motivations for seeking treatment and about the addictive properties of the drugs. With controlled use, the newer sustained-release formulations give real hope for safe and sustained pain relief.

Some of the effects of methadone include:
Decreased bowel motility – constipation
miotic pupils
When combined with other drugs, however, methadone can cause death:

Answer by psychopiet
It is a strong painkiller which also is used to help drugusers of heroine in some countries.

Dr. answers question about Methadone — Dr. gives a pat answer to question about addiction treatment. Methadone is NOW the least effective method for treatment of heroin addiction. Today it is Subo…

More Treatment For Methadone Information…