Fighting Addiction With a Pill Has Potential for Abuse, Officials Say – Mansfield News Journal

Fighting addiction with a pill has potential for abuse, officials say – Mansfield News Journal

Fighting addiction with a pill has potential for abuse, officials say
Mansfield News Journal
Combined with traditional therapy, studies have shown that buprenorphine is as effective a tool as methadone in opiate addiction recovery, according to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. However, unlike methadone 

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

WA country hospitals failing to properly safeguard drugs – Perth Now

WA country hospitals failing to properly safeguard drugs
Perth Now
An internal audit, obtained under Freedom of Information laws, shows that Schedule 4R and Schedule 8 drugs were still being inadequately controlled by the WA Country Health Service two years after a damn¬ing report alleging drug abuse, theft, and

Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

Danish street magazine pays for drug addicts’ next hit – GlobalPost

Danish street magazine pays for drug addicts' next hit
The magazine has featured stories on what it says is the failed war on drugs, Portugal's decriminalisation of heavy drug use — billed as a success — and a top 20 list of the most dangerous drugs, topped by alcohol. By campaigning for the legalisation

Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

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