Fighting Addiction With a Pill Has Potential for Abuse, Officials Say – Zanesville Times Recorder

Fighting addiction with a pill has potential for abuse, officials say – Zanesville Times Recorder

Fighting addiction with a pill has potential for abuse, officials say
Zanesville Times Recorder
Combined with traditional therapy, studies have shown that buprenorphine is as effective a tool as methadone in opiate addiction recovery, according to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. However, unlike methadone 

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

Israeli oncologist: Palliative care neglected in developing world – Jerusalem Post

Israeli oncologist: Palliative care neglected in developing world
Jerusalem Post
Those essential medications include codeine, oral oxycodone, transdermal fentanyl, immediate- and slow-release oral and injectable morphine, as well as oral methadone. While there are problems with the supply of these medicines in many countries, the

Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

Drugged-up burglar left ID at scene –

Drugged-up burglar left ID at scene
The accused had been on heroin, alcohol and valium tablets at the time in a relapse after he underwent addiction treatment. He was now clean of all drugs including methadone. O'Connell had been on heroin since the age of 16. He accepted that he had a 

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

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