Methadone Addict: What Is Better? Subxone or Methadone?

Question by stevies.beloved: What is better? Subxone or Methadone?
I am having problems finding a good medication for my addiction to dilaudid. Can anyone out there help me?

Best answer:

Answer by Christy SD Nurse
Doctors vary in their reasoning as to what is best. In my experience as a nurse at a treatment facility is that Subxone is the way to go. However it needs to be taken correctly, twice a day, and with a tapering schedule over about 7-10 cheating…it is hard to do this on your own. You are still going to be miserable and have intense cravings. Your body must be clear of opiates before beginning the treatment or you will get very sick.

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Methadone Addict: misslessieloo’s webcam video January 11, 2010, 11:35 AM

misslessieloo’s webcam video January 11, 2010, 11:35 AM.
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