Methadone Addictions: Babies Born Into Drug Addiction

Methadone Addictions in the News

Methadone Addictions: Babies born into drug addiction
Dr Fuller said babies exposed to opiates such as heroin, methadone and some prescription medication for chronic pain often suffered the most from withdrawal symptoms within a short time of birth. But he said other withdrawal from other drugs including
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Methadone Addictions: Letters | Doctors must learn that addiction is a long-lasting illness
But the failure to realize the dangers of stopping treatment, methadone or buprenorphine, seems to be something of an epidemic problem. Here, the doctor views the patient a “success” and is willing to stop treatment and risk the possible return to a
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Methadone Addictions: Discrimination in recovery
Newman added that eighty-five percent of narcotics addicts in US have no access to methadone treatment. “My doctor can treat a patient for pain relief with methadone, but if he does so for addiction, it is illegal," he said.

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