Methadone Rehab Centers: Junkies Find 'freedom' at Dutch Old-Age Home

Methadone Rehab Centers in the News

Methadone Rehab Centers: Junkies find 'freedom' at Dutch old-age home
His hard-luck story is similar to that of the 32 other “older” drug and alcohol-dependent residents, including three women, who live at Woodstock, a drab brown apartment block a stone's throw from the city centre. After 33 years of hard living in Spain …

Methadone Rehab Centers: Elderly junkies find 'freedom' at Dutch old-age home
His hard-luck story is similar to that of the 32 other "older" drug and alcohol-dependent residents, including three women, who live at Woodstock, a drab brown apartment block a stone's throw from the city centre. After 33 years of hard living in Spain …
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