Opiate Abuse May Be Up, but Overdose Deaths Are Flat – vtdigger.org

Opiate abuse may be up, but overdose deaths are flat – vtdigger.org

Opiate abuse may be up, but overdose deaths are flat
Schedule III drugs have less potential for abuse and includes Vicodin, Tylenol with codeine and buprenorphine (Suboxone.) Methadone and buprenorphine are also used to treat opiate addiction. Schedule IV drugs are considered to have a low potential for 

Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

Mom accused in son’s death was barred from contact with boy, records show – Arizona Daily Star

Daily Mail

Mom accused in son's death was barred from contact with boy, records show
Arizona Daily Star
When Roman Barreras was born in July 2010, child welfare workers took him while he was still in the hospital because his mother had tested positive for methadone, court records show. At that time, all five children were in state protective custody
Pictured: Toddler starved to death by his motherDaily Mail

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

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