Prescription Painkiller Overdoses at Epidemic Levels –

Drug Abuse Methadone: Prescription painkiller overdoses at epidemic levels –

Prescription painkiller overdoses at epidemic levels
Based on the data from the Drug Enforcement Administration, sales of these drugs to pharmacies and health care providers have increased by more than 300 percent since 1999. “Prescription drug abuse is a silent epidemic that is stealing thousands of
Deaths From Abuse of Painkillers Triple in a Decade: CDCU.S. News & World Report
40 die daily in Rx drug 'epidemic,' CDC saysCNN (blog)
Deaths from painkiller overdose triple in decadeThe Associated Press
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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

Drug Abuse Methadone: South Boston elected officials seek more community say on Methadone clinics –

South Boston elected officials seek more community say on Methadone clinics
Senator Jack Hart, City Councilor Bill Linehan and state Representative Nick Collins met with the DPH's Substance Abuse Services Director Michael Botticelli, to demand stricter monitoring of clinics discuss the current clinics at Andrew Square and

Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

Drug Abuse Methadone: North Bay woman pleads guilty in death of daughter in Campbellford – Community Press

North Bay woman pleads guilty in death of daughter in Campbellford
Community Press
Both had a history of substance abuse, and Lavigne was participating in a methadone program at the time. She had five 85-ml. bottles of methadone she'd received from her pharmacist the day before, given to her on the understanding that she alone would

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

Drug Abuse Methadone: Arrests mark US prescription drug abuse crackdown – Reuters


Arrests mark US prescription drug abuse crackdown
Holder said in prepared remarks the abuse of prescription drugs, such as painkiller oxycodone and methadone, which is used for drug addiction detoxification, was now the fastest-growing drug problem in the country. DEA chief Leonhart called it an
District Attorney Spearheads Prescription Pill Take-Back Drive SaturdayDNAinfo
NYC Offering Prescription Drug Buy-Back ProgramCBS New York

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Drug Abuse Methadone – Google News

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