Question Regarding Methadone.?

Question by lolaeatspeaches: Question regarding methadone.?
Taking a very low dose of methadone for pain (10mg/day). Given vicodin as a back up in case pain is worse. I do not take more than prescribed ever. Why doesn’t the vicodin work when I take it? Why would doctor prescribe something that doesn’t work with methadone? Sometimes in really bad pain but do not take more methadone, take vicodin instead but it doesn’t help. Why?

Best answer:

Answer by Sue
Vicodin is a muscle relaxer, to help you rest. It won’t treat the pain itself, but will help you be more comfortable while the methadone does its job.

Answer by poodiebear
First of all Vicodin is a pain reliever not a muscle relaxer! It is hydrocodone/acetominophen. An Opiod.
As far as the vicodin not working, I am not sure how methadone works, but it may block the opiods in the vicodin from working, since the methadone is usually used to treat addicts. If that is the case the vicodin will not work while on the methadone. Look up methadone and see if contains the drug that blocks opiods. (naloxone is usually the medication that blocks opiods from working.)

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