What Should I Do? My Sister Is Addicted to Heroine and She Says She Has Quit and Is Going Through Severe?

Question by moi: what should I do? My sister is addicted to heroine and she says she has quit and is going through severe?
what should I do? My sister is addicted to heroine and she says she has quit and is going through severe?
withdrawls…she asked me to western union her 65 dollars so that she can go to a methadone clinic in the morning. I want to send it, but I dont want her to spend it on heroine instead or get right back on the herione after she’s done with the methadone. (my mom paid for her methadone last time and then after she got her last dosage of it, sometime very shorty after, she was right back on the heroine) so I dont know what to do…I want to help her but i dont want to support her drug habit if she’s lying. Plus I would feel horrible ii sent her the money,she used it for heroine and then she overdosed and died. I would feel horribly guilty for the rest of my life for sending her the money thats for “methadone”. I feel damned if I do and damned if Idont…..
I cant go to the clinic with her because i’m a 7 hour drive away from her and I’m a full time college student and a single mom. Otherwise I would,ofcourse. And when she asked me, I immediately thought of giving someone else the money to give to the clinic, but I dont really know anyone and I did ask her if I could give it directly to the clinic and she said no, but she could be lying…

Best answer:

Answer by peanut509
Why don’t you go with her to the methadone clinic. Have her check herself in, that way you know that she is going for the help that she needs.

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