Champs Face Drug Charges

Drug Methadone: Champs face drug charges
Two champion weightlifting brothers face serious drugs charges – including the alleged supply of a new “designer drug” not cleared for human consumption.Khalid and Walid Slaimankhel are due to appear in the Auckland District Court…
Drug Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Methadone: FDA approves Orexo drug to treat opioid addiction
By Toni Clarke (Reuters) – The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Swedish drugmaker Orexo AB’s drug to treat opioid addiction, the company said on Thursday, sending its shares up as much as 14.3 percent in Stockholm. The tablet, Zubsolv, dissolves under the tongue. It combines the drugs buprenorphine and naloxone and will compete with similar products, Subutex and Suboxone, made by …
Drug Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Methadone: Qat ban and lessons on drugs – news and resources round up
With qat controversially being made into a Class C drug this week, here are a selection of resources to help you explore this story and the wider issues about drugs in class Home secretary Teresa May has defied expert advisors and banned qat, a herbal stimulant that is widely used by Britain’s Somali, Yemeni and Ethiopian communities. What are the pros and cons of making it a crime to use qat …
Drug Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Methadone: Ahmad Zahid Visits Ex-Drug Addicts
KUALA LUMPUR : A group of former drug addicts were all ears when Home MInister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi visited a cure and care centre for them in the Chow Kit area.   Read more…
Drug Methadone – Yahoo! News Search Results

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