Drug Methadone: An Alternative to Methadone – Herald Scotland

Drug Methadone: An alternative to methadone – Herald Scotland

An alternative to methadone
Herald Scotland
For decades the cornerstone of drug abuse treatment has been the provision of methadone on a long-term basis to addicts. That policy has been tenaciously adhered to even in the face of the year-on-year increase in the number of addicts dying, and in

Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: Revealed: Feeding addict prisoners heroin substitute methadone is costing … – Scottish Daily Record

Revealed: Feeding addict prisoners heroin substitute methadone is costing
Scottish Daily Record
The Scottish Government said: “Substitute prescribing such as methadone is one of a number of methods of drug treatment in a package of care, treatment and recovery that can be offered to individuals – including prisoners – to help them recover from 

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Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: Proposed move rejected, methadone clinic takes city to court – The Sun

Proposed move rejected, methadone clinic takes city to court
The Sun
The facility serves 800 out-patients who each require daily does of methadone or other physician-prescribed drugs to alleviate the drug cravings caused by their additions, the lawsuit states. About 86 percent of Habit's patients are city residents

Drug Methadone – Google News

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