Drug Methadone: Ayrshire Drug Deaths Soar – Ayrshire Post

Drug Methadone: Ayrshire drug deaths soar – Ayrshire Post

Ayrshire drug deaths soar
Ayrshire Post
Desperate drug addicts are topping up with other dangerous substances – and the results are deadly. average number of drug deaths in Ayrshire and Arran was 10. Even more concerning is that 11 people on methadone programmes died after taking other drugs

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Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: West Dunbartonshire drugs deaths on the rise – Lennox Herald

West Dunbartonshire drugs deaths on the rise
Lennox Herald
Donnie added: "What the drug deaths team found last year was that alcohol played a big part, as a significant number of those who died had serious alcohol issues. "What happened was that some of these people had taken Valium or methadone and had drunk

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Drug Methadone – Google News

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