Drug Methadone: Deputies Raid Suspected Drug House – Hernando Today
Drug Methadone: Deputies raid suspected drug house – Hernando Today
Deputies raid suspected drug house
Hernando Today On a computer desk there was a pill bottle with no label that contained methadone tablets, deputies said. The computer also contained images of a small marijuana grow operation similar to what was discovered in the master bedroom closet, according to … |
Drug Methadone – Google News
Drug Methadone: Nonprofit takes Pittsfield to federal court over drug clinic – Berkshire Eagle
Nonprofit takes Pittsfield to federal court over drug clinic
Berkshire Eagle PITTSFIELD — A Worcester-based company is suing the city of Pittsfield in federal court in an effort to open a downtown substance-abuse treatment center that would include a methadone clinic for recovering … |
Drug Methadone – Google News
Drug Methadone: Rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial of directly observed … – 7thSpace Interactive (press release)
Rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial of directly observed …
7thSpace Interactive (press release) This detailed description of trial methodology can serve as a template for the development of future DOT programs, and can also guide protocols for studies among HCV-infected drug users receiving methadone for opiate dependence. … |
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