Drug Methadone: Methadone: Miracle or Menace? – Lodi News-Sentinel

Drug Methadone: Methadone: Miracle or menace? – Lodi News-Sentinel

Methadone: Miracle or menace?
Lodi News-Sentinel
The opening of Lodi's first methadone clinic has ignited a passionate debate over a controversial drug. Many hail methadone as a blessing that allows addicts to regain a normal life. Critics say the clinic is too close to a middle school. And they

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Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: Methadone: ‘Legal’ but deadly? – New York Daily News

New York Daily News

Methadone: 'Legal' but deadly?
New York Daily News
DAVE: On the other hand, government drug abuse specialists came to an economic realization. For $ 50 to $ 100 a week of methadone per patient, they could put heroin users on a maintenance drug as a pragmatic alternative to the $ 5.2 billion in heroin

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Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: Drugs Identified in Deceased Persons by Florida Medical Examiners 2011 Report – WCTV

Drugs Identified in Deceased Persons by Florida Medical Examiners 2011 Report
“The numbers are promising, but we have much work ahead.” The drugs that caused the most deaths in 2011 were benzodiazepines, oxycodone, methadone, cocaine, ethyl alcohol, morphine, hydrocodone and diazepam. Deaths caused by methadone and

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Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: Doctors’ groundbreaking research led to methadone’s use in treating addiction – Lodi News-Sentinel

Doctors' groundbreaking research led to methadone's use in treating addiction
Lodi News-Sentinel
Their research eventually focused on methadone, first synthesized in Germany and used as a substitute for morphine. They started treating heroin addicts with methadone in 1964, finding that the drug blocked heroin's rush and instead provided a slow

Drug Methadone – Google News

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