Drug Methadone: Methadone Painkiller Overdoses Kill About 5000 Patients a Year, CDC Warns – Boston.com
Drug Methadone: Methadone painkiller overdoses kill about 5000 patients a year, CDC warns – Boston.com
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Methadone painkiller overdoses kill about 5000 patients a year, CDC warns
Boston.com About 5000 patients taking the prescription painkiller methadone die every year from the drug — the vast majority from accidental overdoses — and they account for about 1 in 3 deaths in the United States from prescription opiates, according to a new … Methadone tied to one-third of prescription-drug deaths Methadone: A Major Driver of Prescription Painkiller Overdose Deaths Methadone cited in 30 percent of painkiller deaths: CDC |
Drug Methadone – Google News
Drug Methadone: Methadone deaths still high but may have peaked – The Associated Press
Methadone deaths still high but may have peaked
The Associated Press Methadone, known mainly for treating heroin addiction, is also prescribed for pain. Health officials say most of the overdose deaths are people who take it for pain — not heroin or drug addicts. After a sharp rise, the number and rate of methadone … |
Drug Methadone – Google News
Drug Methadone: Methadone tied to one-third of prescription painkiller deaths – CNN (blog)
Methadone tied to one-third of prescription painkiller deaths
CNN (blog) What can be confusing for patients taking the drug is that methadone is long-acting – it tends to linger in the body. That means that after the pain-relief wears off, the drug could still be circulating in someone's system. Patients get into trouble … |
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