Drug Methadone: Methadone Users Should Work for It’

Drug Methadone: Methadone users should work for it’
As a parent and grandparent it both saddens and worries me greatly to witness what seems to be an ever-growing number of Dundee people affected by the legal drug Methadone, dished out to them without charge. I refer to it as a drug because that is what it is.
wohnraum – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Methadone: Judge gives Auburn man convicted of selling methadone second chance
AUBURN | When he sold methadone, David Janus did not intend to become a drug dealer. What he wanted to do was save his wife.
wohnraum – Yahoo! News Search Results

Drug Methadone: Debate heats up over proposed South Burlington methadone clinic
The simmering debate about a proposed methadone clinic near South Burlington’s middle school and high school ramped up this week.
wohnraum – Yahoo! News Search Results

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