Drug Methadone: Tackling a Crisis ‘More Serious Than Diabetes’ – CBC Olympics

Drug Methadone: Tackling a crisis ‘more serious than diabetes’ – CBC Olympics
There is a constant waiting list at Rockhaven. Methadone therapy is a treatment option offered to addicts.The drug is used to help people overcome a dependence on a range of opiates, including heroin. Dr. Michael Franklyn, who works at one of the methadone …
Drug Methadone – Bing News

Drug Methadone: Prescription drug crisis hits newborns@ – Daily Oklahoman
They’re addicted to legal drugs, such substances as oxycodone and methadone. But some of their symptoms are the same as those exposed to illegal drugs. Babies whose mothers used prescription painkillers while pregnant may develop symptoms of drug withdrawal.
Drug Methadone – Bing News

Drug Methadone: Jesse Leese Got a Warning From a Traffic Stop, Until Cops Say They Found Six Types of Drugs – Broward New Times (blog)
The cops searched the van, whereupon they found more Xanax, as well as hash, oxycodone, methadone, Adderall, and even more weed, police say. Deputies seized the drugs, $ 544 in cash in Leese’s wallet, as well as his van, and booked Leese and one of his pals …
Drug Methadone – Bing News

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