Methadone Drug Screening: Does Methadone or Methadose Show Up on a Standard 5 Panel Drug Test?

Question by T CUSE 2: does methadone or methadose show up on a standard 5 panel drug test?
methadose which is pretty much the same as methadone. they use it in methadone clinics, does that and methadone show up on a standard 5 panel test. i hear it doesn’t i’d just like to know the answer for sure tho. thank you

Best answer:

Answer by sarge927
Yes, methadone and methadose show up as positive for heroin. That’s why most drug labs will retest such a sample using radio-immuno-assay (RIA) or gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC/MS), or both, to get a definitive result.

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