Methadone Drug Screening: Drug Treatment Clinic Closures Raise Overdose Concerns
Methadone Drug Screening in the News
Methadone Drug Screening: Drug treatment clinic closures raise overdose concerns
The drug is usually given through monthly injections as an alternative to more widely available drugs like methadone and Suboxone, which also help treat addiction but can be abused. According to Vivitrol manufacturer Alkermes' website, …
Read more on The Patriot Ledger
Methadone Drug Screening: Cape Cod drug clinics shut down
"In this case, we allege that Dr. Kishore orchestrated a complex kickback scheme to funnel drug screen business to his laboratories and then bill MassHealth for those services," Coakley said in a statement. The investigation is ongoing, a spokesman for …
Read more on Cape Cod Times (subscription)
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