Methadone: Miracle or Menace? – Lodi News-Sentinel

Drug Methadone: Methadone: Miracle or menace? – Lodi News-Sentinel

Methadone: Miracle or menace?
Lodi News-Sentinel
The opening of Lodi's first methadone clinic has ignited a passionate debate over a controversial drug. Many hail methadone as a blessing that allows addicts to regain a normal life. Critics say the clinic is too close to a middle school. And they

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Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: ‘Methadone may be ‘legal,’ but isn’t it as deadly as the heroin and Oxycontin … – New York Daily News

New York Daily News

'Methadone may be 'legal,' but isn't it as deadly as the heroin and Oxycontin
New York Daily News
DAVE: On the other hand, government drug abuse specialists came to an economic realization. For $ 50 to $ 100 a week of methadone per patient, they could put heroin users on a maintenance drug as a pragmatic alternative to the $ 5.2 billion in heroin

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Drug Methadone – Google News

Drug Methadone: Former addicts: Methadone helps kick habit – Lodi News-Sentinel

Former addicts: Methadone helps kick habit
Lodi News-Sentinel
Even with the assistance of methadone, he relapsed three times before he was clean. But he attributes his eventual success to methadone. He has been substance-free for two years. "It's wonder drug for a heroin addict. You don't get sick, but you also

Drug Methadone – Google News

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