Methadone Positive Drug Test: Can Concerta Be Mistaken for Cocaine in a Blood Test?

Question by wdon1932: can concerta be mistaken for cocaine in a blood test?
My son was stopped for a traffic violation and could not pass the physicaltest. A blood test was positive for .008 cocaine. He is ADHD and takes concerta daily and has for a long time. I know for a fact that he doesn’t do cocaine for several reasons.

Best answer:

Answer by versantly
no -you are in denial. get some counseling.

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Methadone Positive Drug Test: 'Caring' drug addict spared prison
Ken Hay, prosecuting, outlined how Quayle, of Ellison Place, Whitehaven, had been convicted of possessing the heroin substitute methadone with intent to supply. Police found the drug at his … Judge Bursell imposed a nine-month jail sentence, but …
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