Methadone Positive Drug Test: Drug Users to Have Secure Site in Paris

Methadone Positive Drug Test in the News

Methadone Positive Drug Test: Drug users to have secure site in Paris
"In the 1980s, around 40 per cent of injecting drug users were HIV positive. With harm reduction, today we are … Bilal, 19, says he visits the needle exchange van from the suburbs several times a week for materials, but also for the HIV and hepatitis …
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Methadone Positive Drug Test: Man sentenced after failing to kick habit in drug court
He tested positive for heroin. In September 2011, police investigating an accident determined Decker was under the influence of three different drugs, including methadone. In April 2011, he was arrested for selling 13 baggies of heroin to a …
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Methadone Positive Drug Test: Lewis and Clark County Treatment Court honors 1st graduate
Just a few years ago, Jennifer Herrick was facing revocation of a deferred sentence for felony possession of methadone, a powerful pain-killer. She was taking pills and committing … One key to her success so far: not associating with other drug users …
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