Methadone Urine Drug Test: Can Concerta Be Mistaken for Cocaine in a Blood Test?

Question by wdon1932: can concerta be mistaken for cocaine in a blood test?
My son was stopped for a traffic violation and could not pass the physicaltest. A blood test was positive for .008 cocaine. He is ADHD and takes concerta daily and has for a long time. I know for a fact that he doesn’t do cocaine for several reasons.

Best answer:

Answer by versantly
no -you are in denial. get some counseling.

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In February, 2009, Walton, who was still on probation from her earlier arrest, failed a drug test after her probation officer found drugs in her room. … "I was faking my urine tests for probation so they'd be clean." Her life … Methadone, she added …

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