Methadone Use and Abuse on the Rise in South Carolina – SCNow

Drug Methadone: Methadone use and abuse on the rise in South Carolina – SCNow
The most common treatment for addiction to opiates like painkillers or heroin is a drug that, health experts said, is actually more addictive than heroin itself. It’s called methadone. Even a small dose of methadone, like the 20 or 30 …
Drug Methadone – Bing News

Drug Methadone: Methadone advocate opposes zoning resolution – Elizabethton Star
“For example, they think (methadone) is the same drug, or similar, to methamphetamine. They believe methadone gives patients a high from their medication, and then they roam the town in a zombified state looking for crimes to commit.
Drug Methadone – Bing News

Drug Methadone: A methadone user’s view of the government’s abstinence policy – The Guardian
I use methadone on a daily basis … I work, I have a family, I’m also a postgraduate student. What the drug does is enable you to get out of the vicious cycle which comes with heroin addiction, which is a constant stress of having to score …
Drug Methadone – Bing News

Drug Methadone: Drug addiction – an illness not a crime, says Russell Brand – Daily Telegraph
The flamboyant film star and comedian said drug addicts should not be put on methadone for years at a time, written off and left on the sidelines of society. He also called for possession of drugs to be decriminalised. Abstinence-based recovery for addicts …
Drug Methadone – Bing News

Drug Methadone: Dr. Trobisch on Eyewitness News

Eyewitness News report on narcotic addiction in Kern County from 03/01/2012. Interview with Dr. Trobisch about addiction.

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