Methadone Use Question ?

Question by tgfann: Methadone use question ?
My sister has been acting very strange for about 2 years now, since she got together with her current boyfriend (who the WHOLE family HATES). She’s tired all the time, falls asleep talking to you even standing up! I know they boyfriend used to do heroin because we found old newspaper articles about him being arrested for possession … at least 3 times that we know of. The most recent was May 2006. And he went to jail for 8 months for that one.

Today, my sister’s son asked me what methadone is. He said mom and (her boyfriend) take it. Long story short … She’s not (and never has been) in any kind of drug program. He’s not either, as far as we know. So where do they get it from? Is this something you can buy “on the street”?

Also, if he is in a drug program, that we don’t know about, how does he get it to her?

My sister-in-law is a nurse who used to work with addicts and she says if he’s in a program they make you take it right there, in front of them … it’s not like they give it you and you can take it home.

I can’t confront her about this until I know more about it so any help would be great.

By the way, my sister is 35 and does not have any kind of chronic pain.

Best answer:

Answer by Larry T
Methadone is synthetic morphine and is often given in tablet form for long term pain relief. This being the case it is possible for it to make its way to the street. It is possible someone with prescription is providing it to them. Her behavior as you have described is indicative of someone on methadone or heroin. “Nodding out” is the term most often used. She is probably a user just like him.

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