What Can Ease Drug Comedowns/hang Overs (Ketmaine, Speed)?

Question by Moonlight_princess: What can ease drug comedowns/hang overs (Ketmaine, Speed)?
Hi everyone,
My friends have just bought a night club and the drugs are flowing freely but they seem to be spending the majority of their time crashing to the depths of hell.
Does anyone know any definite help that can ease comedowns? (Please don’t say not to take drugs in the first place lol, sometimes it is part of the package of being club owners).
I’ve heard about Vitamine B6-is that true?
What have you tried, tested and proven? 🙂
Thanks a million xx
Ps I thank you not to simply respond with ‘don’t take drugs, they are bad’. I am only asking for any advice with the comedowns, not whether my friends should take drugs or not.
We are in the UK.

Best answer:

Answer by D
oxycotin will help the come downs

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