Anyone Know the Best Way to Get Off Suboxone, Without Having to Experience Withdrawals, and or Anxiety?

Question by zxcvb927: anyone know the best way to get off suboxone, without having to experience withdrawals, and or anxiety?
i have been taking this med for several months and have weened down to about 2 mg.’s a day but find myself mentally obssessing over “having” to take it everyday. I constantly tell myself that i don’t need it but, no matter how much i do this i find that i feel depressed, anxiety, and basically “mentally” causing withdrawal symptoms…any pointers, or recommendations would be very much appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by the crusader
It’s an addictive med. Follow your doctor’s orders for weaning yourself off of it. Do it correctly or you may end up replacing your Suboxone addiction with something far worse in the end.

Answer by Rotorwings-Come Fly With Me
I am assuming you are on suboxone due to opiode dependence? Good for you for not getting stuck on methadone. Are you involved in any 12step programs? Do you have support around you?

I could see how it would weigh on you to be on the drug and want to get off it. It sounds like you are saying that the
“withdrawal” symptoms are not due to the drug itself but the anxiety around withdrawing from the drug.

What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that you will end up “relapsing” with something stronger if you get off of it? Are you afraid of feeling the physical pain that your original pain med reduced, and you don’t want to feel that again so you are staying on it for “protection”?

I would suggest talking to someone in person like a therapist or a friend. Writing always helps me to discern the real issues behind my feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. Frankly, I am sick of therapists. Maybe that is why I am online rambling about…whatever!

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