Methadone for Addiction: HSE Heroin Treatment Crisis Fuels Thefts Surge
Methadone For Addiction in the News
Methadone For Addiction: HSE heroin treatment crisis fuels thefts surge
An Irish Independent investigation has found that heroin addicts in several areas outside Dublin, who want to be stabilised on methadone, are struggling to find a clinic or GP to take them on. It comes as the number of heroin addicts across the country …
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Methadone For Addiction: No clear-cut solution to pain, addiction fight
This is prescribed in primary care and specialized addiction settings for the purpose of treating addiction and does not have many of the same troublesome issues as methadone. For example, overdose is extremely rare. The solutions for dealing with …
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Methadone For Addiction: JC Penney and America's Addiction to Coupons
So basically, the new “Fair and Square” pricing strategy is Penney's idea of coupon methadone. And on paper, the strategy makes sense. Who really believes all those discounts anyway? And yet, it has turned out—so far, at least—to be a huge dud, …
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Methadone For Addiction: America's Opiate War: The Medical Luddites vs. People in Pain
Derek Anderson, a recovering heroin addict, receives treatment from Dr. Christine Pace at a methadone clinic in Boston, July 6, 2011. (Photo: Bryce Vickmark / The New York Times)When I published my first paper in clinical psychopharmacology in 1980 …
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Methadone For Addiction: Methadone Effects : Effects of Mixing Methadone & Dilaudid
Dilaudid, like methadone, is a narcotic analgesic, and combination of the two drugs can cause labored breathing, irregular heartbeat, cardiac arrest or a coma. Learn about the exponential increase in the potency of drugs when they are combined with help from a licensed mental health counselor in this free video on methadone and drug addiction.
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