Methadone – My Opiate Addiction history.wmv
Methadone For Opiate Addiction: Methadone – My opiate addiction history.wmv
This video I talk about my own personal addiction to opiates (painkillers and heroin) and what led up to my enrolling in the methadone treatment program. I tried to be as breif as I could, but it’s hard to list an entire history of opiate use in a ten minute video. I apologize if I left out any important stuff.
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Methadone For Opiate Addiction: Downtown Natick drug clinic opposed
Faruk stressed that his patients would not be like those who seek treatment at methadone clinics, another type of opioid addiction medication. “Junkies will never come to me. I have strict requirements,” he said. “Family people, who want privacy …
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