Methadone Detox: I Have Questions and Concerns About “MEDICAL DETOX” From Someone That’s Experienced It and Not Google Info.?
by Bellah
Question by Heroin Girl: I have questions and concerns about “MEDICAL DETOX” from someone that’s experienced it and not google info.?
I am currently on 200 mg of methadone. I’ve been on it for a couple of years and next month I will be going to a clinic for medical detox. Basically, if you’ve experienced it, you know it’s when you’re put under anesthesia and they withdraw you completely. After the procedure, I’ve been told I’ll be given a Naltrexone implant to block receptors. This is costing over $ 10,000, and that’s including round the clock medical care for 4 days after the procedure. After that, I’ll be flying home to NY and then resting a day before getting on a plane and going to England where I’ll be for the next year. My major question from someone that’s been through this, is am I going to be too “out of it” on the medications I’m given after the procedure to function in an airport? How bad are the withdrawal symptoms after the treatment and will I be too sick to fly or will I just sleep because of the meds I’ll be taking? I’ve been an addict since I was 14 and I’m not looking for judgement. I’m only looking or answers to medical questions. So please, don’t give me nasty answers and don’t copy paste things from random websites because I’ve read them ALL. Thank you for taking the time to read.
Best answer:
Answer by EzLover23
Everyone has different effects from medications, so what affects one may not affect you. You may need to weed yourself off all the medications there not good for you short or long term.
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